Friday, 4 September 2015

Stolen Boston Stump Floodlights and A Simple Act of Kindness

When the Boston Stump had its floodlights stolen earlier this week it was hard not to despair at the levels to which some would stoop for a quick buck.

The lights had been intended to be revealed this weekend in a ceremony but were stolen, postponing the whole event and costing the stump nearly two thousand pounds to replace the floodlights.

The lights had been damaged in the floods because of a tidal surge a few years ago. The stump was extensively damaged in the floods and has struggled to afford to repair everything damaged.

The loss of the lights was a blow the church simply didn't need.

Yet, in a particularly caring show of charity, a man from Lincoln who heard the news story on BBC Radio Lincolnshire got in touch with the Breakfast show... I'll let Scott and Carla take it from here.

Well doesn't that just restore your faith in the goodness of people?

Too often we focus heavily on the negative things about Boston, it's hard to forget that there are good people out there. Hopefully this helps inspire some Bostoners to be more charitable in their daily lives.

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